Friday, May 20, 2011

Japan Earthquake Could Have Been Predicted Days Earlier

On March 11th there was a giant earthquake that struck Japan with a magnitude of 9.0. This earthquake killed many people and also caused a tsunami which went right over Japan. Now, we have a scientist that said this natural disaster could have been predicted earlier. He says this for many reasons. One of the reasons was because of the atmosphere days before this event happened. The theory of this being how to predict it is called "Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Coupling mechanism." What it means is that many gases are released, especially radon gas. Once this gas makes it to the upper atmosphere-ionosphere, the gas splits them into negatively charged particles and positive ones. These particles attract condensed water in a process that releases heat. This is how the earthquake and tsunami could have been predicted and how we might be able to predict these later in the future as well.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Nine New Species

The Bali Reefs could potentially be the home of nine new species. You would think that this is a very healthy reef but it is not. The reef is surrounded by sharks which could make it a dangerous to the new species. The nine species that were found were all interesting and cool animals. Also, many of the new species are related to the species right now. With the new species there was one species of a new coral and eight species of fish. Among the fish were, two types of cardinal fish, two kinds of dottybacks, a garden eel, a sand perch, and a fang bleeny. The new species of coral was an unknown Euphyilla bubble coral. Along with all of the animals here was many types of healthy coral. Only one out of every seven coral was dead. I think that this is a great place for the new fish and coral. The only fear that they should have are from the sharks that roam the reef. These are the new 9 species of fish and coral and the reef that they live in.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Soaring Straws

The lab soaring straws told me a lot about the relationship between elastic potential energy and gravitational potential energy. On our graph when the elastic potential energy was risen which was the stretch of the rubber band, the gravitational potential energy was also risen. This is because the further the rubber band was stretched was the higher that it went. For example, when we launched the rubber band from a two centimeter stretch, the straws gravitational potential energy was 2.943 millijoules. When we launched it from a three centimeter stretch it's G.P.E was 5.886 millijoules. From the stretch of the rubber band the height doubled. The G.P.E was the height that the straw went. That is the relationship between gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy.

During our data collection there were a couple of errors that happened. First, when we were measuring our measurments they were not exact. Also, since we did it over two different days we got different launchers which mad different results. Ways to enhance the lab was to make every launcher the same. Some launchers shot very high but some did not. Usually, the thick rubber bands shot lower than the skinny ones. Also, we could have our measurments a lot more accurate because we could have made the ruler more steady and watch the hieght of the straw better. Finally, that is what the lab soaring straws taught me and how it can be a lot better.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lit. Poems

“One Weird Watson”
by Mets57

Intelligent, kind, and frightened
Who loves his family
Who feels worried about the Wool Pooh
Who needs a few good friends
Who shares dinosaurs with Rufus
Who fears the Wool Pooh
Who’d like to see his brother get punished for his crimes
Who dreams of losing his lazy eye
Who ends up being a member of “The Watson Pet Hospital”

“The Wool Pooh”
by Mets57

Wool Pooh
Crazy, dangerous
Killing, torturing, swirling
Quick, powerful, slow, beautiful
Loving, soothing, relaxing
Calm, slow-moving

Mets 57

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Toothpick Fish

The yellow fish are starting to be eaten and stand out. I am picking toothpicks from the cup and seeing what color the alleles would make my fish. As I was picking, the yellow fish were being eaten and taken away. A yellow fish could be made from a yellow and yellow "allele." If I picked a two red "alleles" it was red, a red and yellow "allele" the fish was orange, and any color with a green allele was green. The first time I picked the alleles, my population of fish went down one fish. The reason why this occurred was because I picked two yellow alleles which made a yellow fish. This is called an homozygous recessive, because I picked two recessive alleles. Through the next two generations I lost two more yellow fish and then a major event happened. All of the green fish could now not camouflage. Since the green fish was the most popular, that would mean that the population would now decrease a lot. I lost six fish which now left me with a total of 3 fish all together. If other fish could have camouflaged and not it would impact them and all the people around them.

The fish dying effects many people and animals in the ocean. The predators would not have a lot of food. They may get hungry and a lot of populations will decrease. This will also be bad for other people around them like humans. This will also effect the population of the fish because they can not reproduce if they are all dead. The only fish that can reproduce are the two red fish and the orange fish. There would be a lot more fish if the disaster about the green fish did not happen. They were the most popular fish. Also, it would be a lot different if there were a different amount of fish and the colors are different. This is the toothpick fish lab and how it impacts the ocean world if it were to happen.

Monday, January 31, 2011

New Species in Africa

Many scientists went on a field trip to Ethiopia and found what they thought they never would. It was a new species of an animal which people are calling an "African Wolf." Many people first thought that it was a golden jackal. They than realized that it had a lighter skin caoting and it was more thin. After days of research trying to find out what this species could be, they started to compare it to the Egyptian Jackal. This new wolf is a relative of the Holartic Grey Wolf which lives in Europe and Asia. The wolf that was found is rarely found in Ethiopia. It was proven it was not an Ethiopian Wolf because the new wolf splits from grey wolves later than Ethiopian Wolves. This wolf is also a relative of the Indian Wolf and the Himalayan Wolf. That is what the new African Wolf is and who it is related and compared to.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

One Year Later

We all remember the devastating earthquake a year ago that struck Haiti. We were all wondering how they would recover from the disaster. They have recovered and are starting to make country better than ever. One of the main reasons how they are starting their comeback is a program called THREAD. THREAD basically means The Haitian Redevelopment Directive. This company will fix many problems which include poverty and trash. They will stop trash by paying Haiti's citizens to recycle. It will also provide "skilled jobs" for people in Haiti. Although it is going to cost thousands of dollars to help Haiti they believe that it can be done. The plan to rebuild Haiti will work but it is going to take a while before everything is back to normal in Haiti.